What are the health benefits of Korean Melon?

sana khalil
3 min readMay 16, 2022

Korean melon is a unique variety of melon, widely cultivated in South Korea.

It tastes similar to a mix of honeydew, cantaloupe, and cucumber.

Also, it’s a nutritional powerhouse, offering an excellent range of health benefits.

Korean melon — also called oriental melon — is a member of the muskmelon family. It originated in Eastern India centuries ago. Now, it grows in Korea, Japan, China, Hawaii, and several other parts of the world.

The fruit is oval-shaped, boasting a yellow surface, exquisite aroma, and deliciously sweet flavor. It can be eaten raw or added to a variety of dishes. Also, when it comes to nutritional value, Korean melon has huge amounts of calcium, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and more. Without further ado, let’s get a look at the potential health benefits that it has to offer.

It may support digestion

Korean melon is loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber. It helps stimulate the release of certain enzymes that take part in your digestion process. Also, it feeds the good bacteria living in your intestine. Thus, it significantly improves the functioning of your digestive system. It also reduces your risk of gas, bloating, IBS, etc.

It may improve bone strength

The high amounts of calcium found in Korean melon improve bone mineralization in your body. This fruit also has vitamin K which aids in calcium absorption into your bloodstream. Hence, regular consumption may improve your overall bone strength to a great extent. It may also reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.

It may enhance skin health

Korean melon’s high water content helps keep your skin hydrated from the inside. It also contains good amounts of vitamin C which aids in your collagen production and further improves your skin’s overall texture. Studies have found that people who eat at least one Korean melon are less likely to experience skin-related issues than others.

It may reduce cancer risk

Rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, Korean melon restricts the growth and development of cancerous cells in the body. It also contains several anti-cancer properties — such as lycopene — that reduce your risk of cancer. Research has indicated that people who eat this fruit regularly are less likely to suffer from the colon, prostate, lungs, and many other types of cancer.

It may promote heart functions

Korean melon is high in potassium and low in sodium. Hence, it significantly regulates the blood pressure levels in your body. Its high fiber content, on the other hand, helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels in your blood. Both, in turn, promote the overall functioning of your heart. It also reduces your risk of several cardiovascular disorders, including a heart attack.

Apart from these, Korean melon may also improve kidney functions, aid in weight loss, and boost the immune system.

